FIBARO System Door / Window Sensor ( FGK101 )

Added to Indigo in: Indigo 6 v6.0.0
Supports Routing:
Supports Associations:
Supports Beaming:

This module is somewhat difficult to define/sync. After the Z-Stick is in inclusion mode, triple tap the TAMPER button on the back of the module to have it included. When performing the Define/Sync in Indigo triple tap the TAMPER button again immediately before you press the Sync button. Note if you change any of the device settings you have to wait until the module wakes again (default is every hour). There doesn't appear to be any manual way to wake the module to have it receive the new settings (pressing TAMPER or removing the magnet doesn't wake the module long enough to receive commands), so you just have to wait until the wake interval has passed. Note also the battery cover must be on for the TAMPER switch to work.